Excel Magician

Training on Basic to Advance Formula & Functions of MS Excel

The course is for whom

1. Accounts official 
2. Sales Officer 
3. HR Official 
4. Production official 
5. Data Analyst 
6. Entrepreneur 
8. Banker 
9. Researcher/Surveyors 
10. Students or Frashers

Payment Method

Bkash or Nagad Payment:
01916624444 Marchant 
Bank Accounts Details:
Global Islami Bank Ltd, Hemayetpur Branch.
Acc Name: Bijoy IT & Co.
Acc No: 1111000021541

Training Facilitator

Md. Anwar Hossain
CEO, Bijoy IT & Co
Office Address:
House # 5, Road # 13 (DIT Project), Merul Badda, Dhaka 

Covering Formula

 SUM formula
 AVERAGE formula
 COUNT formula
 MAX formula
 MIN formula
 IF formula
 VLOOKUP formula
 TODAY formula
 LEN formula
 TRIM formula
 LEFT formula
 RIGHT formula
 MID formula
 UPPER formula
 LOWER formula
 PROPER formula
 ROUND formula
 COUNTIF formula
 SUMIF formula
 AVERAGEIF formula
 IFERROR formula
 INDEX formula
 MATCH formula
 INDIRECT formula
 COUNTIFS formula
 SUMIFS formula
 CONCATENATE formula (with cell references)
 TEXT formula
 LEFT formula (extracting variable number of characters)
 RIGHT formula (extracting variable number of characters)
 MID formula (extracting variable number of characters)
 RAND formula
 SUBTOTAL formula
 TRANSPOSE formula
 TODAY formula (with custom formatting)
 NOW formula
 DATE formula
 TIME formula
 WEEKDAY formula
 EOMONTH formula
 DATEDIF formula
 PMT formula
 FV formula
 PV formula
 NPV formula
 IRR formula
 HLOOKUP formula
 INDEX-MATCH formula
 OFFSET formula
 RANK formula
 STDEV formula
 STDEVP formula
 MEDIAN formula
 MODE formula
 QUARTILE formula
 VARIANCE formula
 VARP formula
 UPPER formula (applied to a range)
 LOWER formula (applied to a range)
 PROPER formula (applied to a range)
 FIND formula
 SEARCH formula
 REPLACE formula
 MID formula (extracting variable number of characters within a range)
 CONCATENATE formula (with cell ranges)
 TEXTJOIN formula
 LEFT formula (extracting variable number of characters within a range)
 RIGHT formula (extracting variable number of characters within a range)
 SUMPRODUCT formula (multiple ranges)
 INDEX-MATCH formula (multiple criteria)
 COUNTIF formula (with wildcard)
 SUMIF formula (with wildcard)
 AVERAGEIF formula (with wildcard)
 MAX formula (with criteria)
 MIN formula (with criteria)
 SUMIFS formula (with wildcard)
 AVERAGEIFS formula (with wildcard)
 CONCAT formula (with cell ranges)
 SUBTOTAL formula (dynamic)
 XNPV formula
 XIRR formula
 POWER formula
 SQRT formula
 LOG formula
 ROUND formula
 INT formula
 MOD formula

Formatting & Analysis Tools

Insert Chart 
 Chart Customization
 Gantt Chart
 Clock Chart
 Scatter Diagram
 Trend Line on Scatter diagram
 Diagram Customization
Pivot Table 
 Auto Refresh
 Empty Cells Treatement
 Calculation Field
 Monthly, Yearly & Quarterly Filter
 Effect of Source Data
 Effect on Source Data
 Understanding Dashboard
 Linking diffent Charts
 On Click to Change all charts on the page
Advance Formatting
 Understanding Macro
 Auto In Words
 Understanding of Logics
 Different logics in single cell
 Mastering on logic Building techniques

Covering Prebuild Tools

Raw & Column (Table head & Serial) Print on all Page
Multiple Row in Cell (Alt + Enter)
Wrap Text Function
Cell Customization
 Format Cell Allignment (Vertical and Angle Text in Cell)
 Date Format (BD, USA)
 BDT/KG/Pcs after Amount
 BDT/KG/Pcs after Amount with Proper Comma
 Comma with Bangladeshi Format
 Decrease & Increase Indent
Conditional Formatting
 General (Highlight, Incon, etc.)
 Different Cell Highlight with Condition
 Full Row or Column Highlight with Condition
Auto Series Fill 
Flash Fill 
 A – Z, Z – A
 Custom Sorting
 Value Sorting
Goto Special 
Select Blank 
Insert Table 
Table Customization
Pivot Table 
 Pivot Table Customization
 Pivot Table Automation
Icon Insert 
Shape Insert 
Page Setup 
 Page layout
 Raw & Column (Table head & Serial) Print on all Page
 Print Area Setup
 Header & Footer Setup
 Page Number Customization
 Scall Setup
 Preview Setup
Understanding of Formula
Showing formula 
Get Data 
 Get Data from Word
 Get Data from Website & Wikipedia etc.
Text to Columns 
Remove Duplicate
Data Validation 
 Understanding of Data Validation
 Data Range
What if Analysis 
 Scenario Analysis
 Gool Seak
Spell Check 
Group Ungroup 
Comment on Cell (Show & Hide)
Data Protect 
 Lock Cell
 Hide Cell Value
 Visible & Editable only limited Cells
Page View 
 Page Visibility Formation
 Sheet Visibility Formation
Freez Panes 
 Only Row
 Row & Column Both
Save As 
 Limited page
 All Page in Sheet
Adding New List 
 A, B, C, D……
Developer ToolsFile>Option>Customize Ribbon>Developer
Tick BoxDeveloper>Insert
Data Entry FormAlt, D, O
Value Hide on Cell 

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Demo Certificate BITC

VDS Attachment Magical Excel Format

VDS & TDS Calculation Sheet