It is impossible to overstate the significance of a company's corporate functions. A business's critical areas, such as accounting, taxation, payroll, audits, HR, legal, income, balance and cash flow statements, statements of stockholder equity, and IT services, require noteworthy, reliable, and effective administration. Important information about a company may be obtained with the use of perfect policies and procedures. Perfect compliance system helps to develop strategies, make plans, assess the success or failure of the business, and navigate the firm's international commercial objectives. So you can contact us for consulting your organization to ensure a seamless, ongoing process.


RJSC Services

Bijoy IT & Co. assists in Entity Registration and ensures lawful administration of the entity under the provisions of applicable act.

VAT Consultancy

We are efficient in preparing monthly VAT return for any kind of institution. and capable of solving VAT Related issues.

TAX (Corporate & Individual)

We will do all type of checking in your financial statement and will analysis for the minimum corporate tax.

Supportive Assistance

Feel free to contact us for your issues without being a client. Our supports is primarily free to all.

ERP Training

Do your SAP FICO, Tally ERP 9, QuickBooks, Xero, advance Excel Training, etc. with us and increase your skills.

Professional Trainings

We offer Professional Trainings including VAT, Tax, Practical Accounting, Export - Import Business, Corporate Matters, HR, etc.

Website Development

Develop your website with WordPress, Laravel, etc. We offer clone or clean website development as per client's requirements.

ERP Software

We have Tally, QuickBooks, and other customized ERP ready for you. What is your requirement?

Increase you productivity with

Training on ERP System

ERP system brings a revolution to the corporate world. When you are expert in ERP system, you can create compliance output of your business data in a second. Which skill has unique demand in corporate sector. SAP, QuickBooks, Tally Prime, HRIS etc. are the most useful tools in ERP system in Bangladesh. Those are useful not only in this county, you can do remote job after being expert in ERP. We have a rang of trainings on different ERP system. You have to decide which you like to learn.


Contact Bijoy IT & Co. Learner Support

Best of support with us

For Voice Call

(+880) 1916624444

For Whatsapp Call & Chat

(+880) 1916624444

Zero (0) Cost Learning Program (ZCLP) is a joint imitative of Bijoy IT & Co. and Corporate WiKi  where the studies are opensource. Everyone may have access to the resources. Even after the studies anyone can seat for online exam to get a Certification. The Policy and Procedure of ZCLP is given on the campaign page. read more..

Corporate Taxation

Today's Corporate Taxation basically depends on proper planning on Tax. Here you will learn Tax Assessment, yearly all returns need to be submitted by a Company, TDS, VDS, etc.

Advance Excel

Advance Excel

Our course named "Road to Excel Magician" is designed to provide solution to critical problems in working with Speed-sheets. You will must see something you have never seen before.

income tax personal individual

Personal Income Tax

In this course, you will learn to prepare personal income tax file.Calculating Minimum tax in different cases.

Corporate Apprenticeship Program (CAP)

CAP facilities Team_Bijoy_IT with enormous benefits. Work based learning, with the chance to continue working alongside with corporate professionals and develop his/her skills

CAP team our consist of 6 members with 3 sub-divisions.
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