“We are here for best quality service”

Bijoy IT & Co. is a multi-functional consultancy hub in Bangladesh. The main purpose of the firm is to serve people with various services like domain & hosting service, website development, ERP Support, Accounts/VAT/Tax consultancy, ERP (Tally. ERP 9 & Checkbooks) Training, Advance Excel Training, Export-Import business development training, Personal Income tax filing, VAT registration, VAT consulting service for manufacturing company, Professional CV writing and so on.
Anwar Hossain Gypsy Anwar bijoy it center
Anwar Hossain

Our Vision

Making the best services & trainings affordable to everyone

Our Mision

"Be the destination for professionals to achieve some extra ordinary skill set, no matter where they came from.” Here the mentors are positioning themselves at the customer's or trainee fellow's demand.

Our Strength

One of the biggest strengths of our team is that our engineers and trainers are able to constantly monitor so that individual's needs can be accessed

Specific Objectives or Goals

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(+880) 1916624444